Beaver programme Spring 2012


April 12 16/18

Introduce new starters

St George’s story

Colour in finger puppets

Knights training – Bean bags at targets, bouncing balls throw and catch bean bag/ball whilst standing/ walking


Write a play about St George and act it out using the finger puppets

Act out the play


Plant sunflower seeds

What is needed to grow plants and where are they going to put them when they take them home




7th – bank holiday

9th - Union jack, how its made up

Colour in flag

14 / 16

14th – as 9th

16th – Time capsule – what might have been in one in 1952, what we would put in one now

Do a letter to be included in a time capsule about why we like beavers

21/ 23

21st as 16th

23rd - Jubilee celebrations - games that were played in 1952

Hopscotch, stones/jacks, skipping, stagy, yoyo, hula hoop, what’s the time mr wolf, marbles, board games

28 / 30

28th as 23rd

30th – AGM

4 / 6

Half term


11 /13

Preparing for cub camp

4 bases – pack a rucsac, what to put in a picnic; water safety; learn to tie two knots


Didsbury festival

18 /20

Listening walk – 3 groups go on different routs, stop every 5 minutes, make a note of what you heard over 1 minute then come back and compare notes. Were the sounds pleasant/unpleasant/noisy/manmade/natural

If raining then learn tracking signs

25 /27

Sleuthing in the park


Parachute games/healthy foods/healthy eating/do poster


2 /4

Park – find natural items beginning with each letter of the alphabet


Fitness – shuttle run, hopping, throwing ball etc.