88th Manchester

Cub Scout Camp

16th – 18th June 2006










We Challenge you this weekend to come and join us to compete a series of exciting and demanding tasks.


Enjoy this great opportunity to get WET & DIRTY, in the GREAT OUTDOORS.


Can you compete at least 20 Challenges before the end of camp?












Please detach and return to Akela





Telephone:                ………………………    Mobile:      ……………………

Date of birth:           ....../....../............

Name and address of doctor: ..................................................................



NHS number:                                                                                           

Does your son suffer from any allergies or sensitivities?



Has he any disabilities the leaders should be aware of e.g. travel sickness, asthma, hay fever, bed wetting, fits, dyslexia.



Has he been immunised against tetanus within the last 3 years?  ................

                                      Yes  /  No

Does he have any food dislikes? ..............................................................


I hear by give permission for photographs of my son to be taken by leaders on camp and used on the scout groups' websites.







I hereby give permission for my son to attend cub camp on the   16th - 18th June 2006. If my Son falls ill or has an accident during camp which requires emergency medical treatment and I cannot be contacted in advance I authorise a warranted scout leader to give on my behalf, any consent required by a doctor or hospital to administer any treatment considered necessary.

Contact no over weekend (If different from above)







Camp kit list


Boys will travel to / from camp in full uniform.


Here is a suggested list of clothing and items needed. Please make sure everything is labelled and that each cub recognises his own belongings. It would be helpful if it was packed in one bag, including sleeping bag.



Trousers  (not jeans)


 T – shirt


Sleeping bag

Warm coat/ jacket

Blanket  (optional)

Waterproof jacket (essential)

Sleeping mat  (essential)


Personal wash kit

Bin liner/ plastic bag

2 old tea towels

(for dirty clothes)

Sleep wear

Rucksack/ holdall

Pumps/ trainers

Midge cream

Pullovers/ sweat shirts

Sun tan lotion

Swimming trunks

Bath towel


1 set of very old clothes


No penknives, if any are needed they will be provided.

No shell suits or shorts in similar material. Camp kit (T shirt, shorts, jumper, trainers) will be worn. Trousers can be worn at night or in bad weather.






Leaders attending camp




Helen Hampson

Alan Robinson

Keith Hampson

Mike Ney

Sue Bullied

Penny Robinson

Sue Sunderland

Phil Gunhouse

Chris Dunn

Kevin Lowe

Alex McNeill

Ben Bowen

Patrick Cherry










88th Manchester Scout Group

Cub camp 2006



Cost                     £35 + a small cake or 6 biscuits e.g. kitkat

Tuck shop            Max.£2.00(to be handed in to a leader on arrival.)

Transport            Meet at Dunham Scout Camp Friday evening at 7:00pm and collect Sunday afternoon at 3:00pm.

Medicine              If any medication is required then label and put in a plastic bag to be handed in on arrival.

Home contact      In the event of an emergency (late return etc.) contact David Leitch


Consent form and full payment to reach Akela by Thursday 1st June at the latest.

There will be a meeting at the scout hut at 8:00 on Thurs. 8th June for all parents to inform them of the weekend's activities, even if your child has been to camp before.